Sound unbound by nature is bounded by art.

Welcome to o0barkbarkbark0o

Initiate a voyage where auditory experiences surpass limitations, and the reverberations of an acoustic guitar encapsulate the quintessence of creativity. At o0barkbarkbark0o, conviction lies in the symphonic balance between art and technology, wherein each melody narrates a tale, and each line of code fabricates a masterpiece. Immerse yourself in our realm of acoustic renditions and bespoke compositions, meticulously selected for your auditory pleasure.

Venture forth, engage your auditory senses, and permit your intellect to traverse within the realms of sound, liberated from all constraints.

Original Songs

Here is a small collection of my original songs. I have a few more, but this is really the bulk of what I’ve written &

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Playlist Post

Here’s a playlist of the “songs” that I’ve recorded. These date back to around 2006 when I had just started learning to play guitar and

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Crazy as a Loon

Classic John Prine. Let me know what you think. I love to hear from people who actually listen. Thanks!

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